Monday, 4 May 2009

Wedding Photography at Chilston Park Hotel

I had the pleasure of photographing Rachel and Ian's wedding at Chilston Park Hotel, Lenham yesterday - their wedding gallery is now online to view. It was yet another beautiful day!

My main website: Kent wedding photographer


Stephen Halliday said...

Hey David,
Well what can I say, you've done it again. These pictures are fantastic. I really like your style and am learning an awful lot from your site. Not only about the technical aspects of photography but also how you compose your shots to really bring the character and emotion out.
Out of interest, could you recommend any good books I could read to learn more about Exposure Values that you talked about recently?
Thanks, Stephen.

David said...

Hi Stephen,

Thank you so much for this lovely feedback - it's very much appreciated.

To be honest exposure values aren't that useful. If you've read the blog post (and the entry in Wikipedia) you'll have all you need to know. I had a quick look at a few of my photography books and none of them even mentioned EVs!

The most important thing to learn about exposure, in my opinion, are the limitations that determining an exposure based upon reflected, rather than incident, light creates. Check out the post on exposure compensation.

All the best,
