A selection of photos from Amanda and Richard's wedding last Saturday at St Augustine's Priory, Bilsington - see the
full gallery.

1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 50, -1/3 EV, 200mm (70-200 IS)

1/1000, f/1.2, ISO 50, -2/3 EV, 85mm (85)

1/250, f/1.4, ISO 400, -2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/320, f/2.0, ISO 400, -2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/1600, f/4.0, ISO 200, 0 EV, 16mm (16-35)
The shot above is a single exposure processed at -2, 0 & +2 stops in Lightroom and then combined in Photomatix Pro. I had tried to bring back detail in the sky using the graduated filter in Lightroom but it didn't look very convincing!

1/200, f/1.6, ISO 500, +2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/500, f/1.4, ISO 500, +2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/125, f/2.5, ISO 500, +2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/160, f/2.0, ISO 500, +2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/800, f/1.8, ISO 500, 0 EV, 35mm (35)

1/800, f/1.8, ISO 500, 0 EV, 35mm (35)

1/400, f/1.8, ISO 500, 0 EV, 35mm (35)

1/200, f/3.5, ISO 500, -1/3 EV, 85mm (85)

1/400, f/2.8, ISO 640, +2 EV, 32mm (16-35)

1/160, f/2.8, ISO 640, +1 EV, 16mm (16-35)

1/250, f/3.5, ISO 1600, +1 EV, +1 FEC, 16mm (16-35)

1/2000, f/3.2, ISO 100, -2/3 EV, 35mm (35)
Underexposed to keep detail in the dress.

1/800, f/1.8, ISO 100, +1/3 EV, 35mm (35)
1/1000, f/1.4, ISO 100, +1/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/160, f/4.0, ISO 100, -2/3 EV, 35mm (35)

1/160, f/2.0, ISO 100, +1 EV, 35mm (35)

1/1600, f/1.4, ISO 50, 0 EV, 35mm (35)
Any comments or queries welcome as ever.
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