A selection of images from Marguerite and Anthony's recent wedding at Saints Austin & Gregory Roman Catholic Church, Margate and Quex Park, Birchington. Please check out their wedding gallery.

1/1600, f/2, ISO 100, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
I wish all grooms were this relaxed. Notice the negative exposure compensation (EC) to correct for the predominance of darker tones.

1/500, f/3.5, ISO 100, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
What would little boys do without their Dads?

1/500, f/3.5, ISO 100, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/3200, f/1.4, ISO 100, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm f/1.4L
It's very unusual to be able to stand rings up like this. The edges are normally beveled. Probably not many people actually care.

1/200, f/1.2, ISO 400, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/2500, f/2.8, ISO 200, ‒ ⅓ EV, 22mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
It was the little fella in the black suit, Officer.

1/320, f/5, ISO 200, 0 EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
You'll stay like it.

1/500, f/2.8, ISO 400, 1 EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Sometimes I use flash for this situation but opted for only postive EC in this case. I did have to boost the blacks in post-production to restore a bit of contrast though.

1/100, f/2.2, ISO 1250, ⅓ EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/200, f/2.5, ISO 2000, 0 EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/200, f/1.2, ISO 1000, 1 EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/80, f/3.5, ISO 800, 0 EV, +1 FEC, 35mm f/1.4L
Flash in left hand and directed at white wall to left, camera in right. Fired using the PW flex combo.

1/640, f/2.8, ISO 200, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/800, f/2.8, ISO 200, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Marguerite did not struggle to smile.

1/60, f/4, ISO 200, ²⁄₃ EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/4000, f/4.5, ISO 200, ‒ ⅓ EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Quex House. Very nice too. I waited for the sun to disappear behind a cloud before I went in for the close-ups.

1/2000, f/1.4, ISO 50, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/320, f/1.8, ISO 50, ‒ 1 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/80, f/2.5, ISO 400, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Go on, do it. I won't tell.

1/2500, f/1.4, ISO 100, ‒ ⅓ EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/2000, f/1.4, ISO 100, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Those are funky shoes.

1/800, f/1.8, ISO 100, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
A job at BAA beckons.

1/250, f/2.8, ISO 640, 0 EV, 0 FEC, 35mm f/1.4L
This is what happens when you take a family by surprise. No mummy, not another rice cracker.

1/320, f/1.2, ISO 800, 0 EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/125, f/2.5, ISO 1250, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Any comments or queries are always welcome.
My website: Kent wedding photographers
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