A selection of images from Sarah and Westley's recent wedding at Lympne Castle - please check out their wedding gallery.

HDR (-2, 0, +2), f/8, ISO 400, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/320, f/3.2, ISO 200, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Something blue and an aide-memoire for Sarah in case she couldn't remember her bridesmaids' names.
Check out that exposure compensation (EC). They'd have been silhouetted if I'd let the camera determine the exposure.

Westley putting the finishing touches to his mother-in-law jokes.

1/60, f/2.5, ISO 800, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Westley putting the finishing touches to his mother-in-law jokes.

1/320, f/4, ISO 200, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/4000, f/2.8, ISO 100, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 200mm, 70-200mm f/2.8L IS

1/500, f/4, ISO 640, ‒ 1 EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/400, f/4, ISO 400, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/800, f/8, ISO 200, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 200, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/5000, f/4, ISO 200, ‒ 1 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/1000, f/2, ISO 200, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
No comment.

1/200, f/4.5, ISO 400, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 27mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II

1/125, f/5, ISO 640, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 28mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
If you shoot at Lympne Castle you need to know about this room (The Sitting Room or Harry's Room). Lovely light on the sunniest of days. We had to ask for the armchair.

1/400, f/2.8, ISO 640, ‒ 1 EV, 35mm f/1.4L

1/320, f/1.8, ISO 200, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/800, f/1.2, ISO 500, ⅓ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II

1/100, f/2.8, ISO 640, ‒ ⅓ EV, 35mm f/1.4L
Westley having second thoughts about those mother-in-law jokes.

1/200, f/2.8, ISO 500, ‒ 1 EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
I do enjoy a bit of rim-lighting.
Any comments or queries are most welcome.
My website: Kent wedding photographers
Outdoors in the sun I find it really hard to see anything on my 5D2 LCD. This makes nearly all my pics seem underexposed when I preview. I tried covering the screen with my hand/clothing and boosting the LCS contrast , but then it no longer looks the same back home on the monitor which is calibrated. Do you have any tricks to judge what you see on the LCD in sunshine - or is it just experience and checking the histogram?
Thank you
Hi Chloe,
Yes, it is a challenge. I use my body and hand to try and shade the screen but it doesn't always work well. In these circumstances I have to have faith in myself!
There are a few gadgets on the market to tackle this problem. Google 'Hoodloupe'.
All the best,
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