A selection of images from Becky and Richard's wedding, photographed at The Archbishop's Palace in Maidstone on Sunday. Please check out their wedding gallery.

HDR (-2, 0, +2), f/5.6, ISO 400, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
An HDR shot to start off proceedings. Handheld, which is why I pushed the ISO speed up to give a sufficiently fast shutter speed at -2 stops of exposure.

1/250, f/2.5, ISO 160, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
Negative exposure compensation (EC) to take account of the predominantly dark tones.

1/320, f/2.5, ISO 400, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
Taken under cover of foliage to remove toplighting.

1/640, f/5, ISO 100, 0 EV, 35mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Only a tiny puddle but by holding the camera a few centimetres off the ground both the puddle and the reflection were enhanced.

1/1000, f/4, ISO 100, 0 EV, 24mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Exiting the car in an expansive wedding dress was no easy task.

1/1600, f/4, ISO 400, 0 EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
A quick shot before Becky was whisked off to be interviewed by the registrars.

1/160, f/3.2, ISO 1250, ⅓ EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
I always like to position myself so that I'm facing the bride. In this case it meant I had to shoot against the window light. Depending upon my framing I was using from 0 to +2 stops of EC.

1/100, f/2.8, ISO 1250, 1 EV, 27mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Shooting with the window behind me. Beautiful light.

1/400, f/2.8, ISO 200, ²⁄₃ EV, 23mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
As I exit interiors I'm already dialling my ISO rating down.

1/640, f/2.8, ISO 200, 0 EV, 35mm f/1.4L
I got them all to squeeze in close. They are good friends after all!

1/500, f/4, ISO 200, ⅓ EV, 35mm f/1.4L
The sun was darting in and out of clouds and the light was continually shifting. I chose a predominantly shaded spot and placed the sun behind the group so that no dappled light would fall on their faces.

1/500, f/4, ISO 200, ⅓ EV, 16mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
A fortuitous gust of wind caught her veil and I fired the shutter immediately!

1/800, f/1.2, ISO 200, 0 EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
I really love their expressions. They were wrapped up in each other and forgot all about me - perfect.

1/1250, f/1.2, ISO 200, ⅓ EV, 85mm f/1.2L II
Archways are a great means of framing a couple.

HDR (-2, 0, +2), f/2.8, ISO 200, 32mm, 16-35mm f/2.8L II
A rare HDR shot featuring a couple. People generally struggle to keep still for the three exposures.

1/200, f/3.5, ISO 800, ‒ ²⁄₃ EV, 35mm f/1.4L
A nice plain wall at their house - an ideal opportunity to exploit some negative space.
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