1/125, f/1.8, ISO 400, 0 EV, 85mm (85)

1/2500, f/4.0, ISO 100, -2 EV, +1 FEC, 35mm (35)
Reducing the ambient exposure by 2 stops recovered the background from the highlights. My Speedlite had to work hard to provide suficient fill-flash in high-speed sync mode at f/4.0 but it managed it since I was so close to the subjects.

1/1250, f/4.0, ISO 50, -4/3 EV, 35mm (35)
Exposure compensation preserves highlights and shows off the lovely blue sky.

1/2500, f/2.8, ISO 50, -5/3 EV, +1 FEC, 16mm (16-35)
Strong exposure compensation to preserve highlights in the dress and FEC to diminish those shadows on their faces.

1/320, f/2.8, ISO 50, +1/3 EV, 200mm (70-200 IS)
Whilst taking candids during the pre-prandial drinks I tried to get as many shots with the sun backlighting or sidelighting subjects - much more flattering.

1/800, f/2.0, ISO 200, -2/3 EV, 85mm (85)
Fortunately I spotted some soft-lit areas in the gardens for portraits.

1/250, f/2.0, ISO 400, +2/3 EV, 85mm (85)
Any comments or queries are welcome as ever.
My main website: Kent photographer
Hey David
How do you obtain EV adjustments of -4/3 on some of these pics - I can only see a range of -/+ 2 EV? I assume you mean -1 1/3 in fact? Just to be clear.
Hi Josh,
That's correct. -4/3 is equivalent to -1 1/3 but it takes up slightly less space to write!
All the best,
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