Thursday 23 April 2009

Wedding Photography - In the church

For further photography-related information check out my compendium of tips.

More recent questions:

Hi David,

I'm interested in how you approach lens changes at a wedding. What sort of strategy do you have for each lens usage? How do you handle church weddings where you are not permitted to move around - stick with the 24-70?



Hi Robert,

I change lenses a lot. I have a Lowepro rucksack loaded with all my lenses on me at all times. Even if the vicar is very strict this allows me to discreetly changes lenses without problem. During the ceremony I use the 16-35 f/2.8 as the bride and her father enter, then switch to the 85 f/1.2 and 35 f/1.4 for the exchange of vows, the 35 f/1.4 for the signing of the register and then back to the 16-35 f/2.8 for the exit. Being familiar with the ceremony procedure means you're not changing lenses at key moments.

Hope this helps.



Hi David,

Yes that's very helpful. Many thanks. This is a really good blog btw. What is your cue for making it to the exit in time if the vicar doesn't like you to move? Would it be okay to take flash shots before the ceremony starts generally? I'm shooting my first church wedding in a few months - and I've got a stern vicar to deal with. Any other tips appreciated!


Hi Robert,

Thanks for your positive feedback. The vicar ought to invite you to photograph the signing of the register. Shortly after this will be the exit from the church. Try and establish the ground rules for photography with the vicar before the wedding. There ought to be no problem with using flash before the ceremony but, unfortunately, it's impossible to generalise about what's acceptable. See previous posts on the behaviour of vicars!

Good luck!



My main website: Kent photographer


Tim said...

hey David,

Looking at your galleries, I can't see any picks of the bride exiting a church and the confetti shower etc. I'm interested to know your tips for photographing this sequence, does autofocus have difficulty with all that stuff flying around. Do you switch to AI Servo mode etc. Do you walk backwards while using single shot ....

Thank you

David said...

Hi Tim,

I always take a shot of the bride and groom walking down the aisle after the ceremony. I generally use my 16-35mm f/2.8 L lens in one-shot mode (occasionally AI servo), shoot at f/4 with a kiss of flash, and keep the shutter speed above 1/100 by adjusting the ISO speed, whilst walking backwards!

At many civil venues couples don't actually exit the building but move to another room for drinks. Obviously they don't bother with confetti!

With church ceremonies I take a shot of the couple exiting the church and will post it online if the venue is photogenic (I only post 20% of shots).

Even with church ceremonies the confetti shot only occurs at about 30% of weddings.

For a classic example check out Louise and Adam's wedding from last year.

All the best,
